Coops 4 Decent Work

19 februari 2019
Alle coöperaties

'Cooperatives help to preserve employment and promote decent work in all sectors of the economy. Through participation, members have a motivation to change their lives, their communities and the world', Ariel Guarco, President of the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA), has said.

On 6 July 2019, join us as we celebrate a future in which human development and social justice are priorities. Through #CoopsDay, local, national and global policymakers, civil-society organisations and the public in general can learn how cooperatives contribute to a decent working environment.

Cooperative employment is far from a marginal phenomenon. According to a recent estimate, cooperatives around the world employ or are the main source of income for more than 279 million people—almost 10% of humanity’s total working population.

Beyond these numbers, different studies have confirmed that, by comparison with employment in other sectors, cooperative jobs…

  • tend to be more sustainable over time
  • show a smaller gap in earnings between higher and lower-paid positions, and
  • are more evenly distributed between rural and urban areas.

Stay tuned for the 2019 Coopsday interactive map and the Cooperators’ guide to the day itself, which will soon be available.
